Post Lockdown Restriction Update – July 2020

We anticipate that activities will return, but very slowly, as a result of this it would be financially unviable to open Thurst for the hours that it was “pre-lockdown”. However we realise that it is a facility for villagers to meet friends in a social atmosphere.
The decision as therefore been taken to open as a four week trial seven days a week, from 10:00 until 14:00. We are currently ensure that it will be Covid Secure, as a result you will notice some changes.
Entry and exit will be through the garden door and you will see signs to guide you, the canopies will be out, in the event of bad weather, both the sun lounge and if needed the meeting room will be made available. Take out will be available for use on the green, however the menu will be simplified, however ice cream, Bluebell’s Cakes products (including sausage rolls, cheese straws), soft drinks, alcohol, will be available. There will be a few new additions like Muffins and Cookies. The big change is that currently we will not be offering food that requires preparation like sandwiches or jacket potato.

According to the latest Government guidelines the outside play equipment is permitted to be used, however the soft play area is not so that this will be taped off.

If you have never visited Thurst Cafe, you will be surprised we have recently refurbished and updated it, as mentioned this opening period is for a trial, we urge you to support this, in order that we can justify or even expand this service. Should you have any suggestions please let our friendly staff know or leave a comment here on the website

We have also been informed that Extend, Slimming World and Weight Watchers are hoping to return during July

Update On The Last 3 Months

With the imposed closure of the New Green Centre, the opportunity was taken to decorate the hall, the meeting room corridors etc. We also had the floor in the hall resurfaced. These were done ensuring that all social distancing was observed, normally these maintenance matters would have been performed during August and would have meant some activities and meetings would have had to be cancelled.
Out on the green we have installed three new picnic benches which have proved very popular
In the garden area we have had installed some play equipment for the up to 6 year olds, whilst also along with the council (and assistance from the National Lottery) we have had installed a trim trail.
As a mark of thanks and respect for all his efforts for the village in many roles, especially the establishment of the centre we have named the meeting room after Colonel Roger Bowden, and it is now signed as the Bowden Meeting Room.
We also found we had a wild animal invade the green, in the form of a snake. However upon examination it was found that it was a Stone Snake, thanks to the organisers.
The facilities are for the benefit of the villagers irrespective of age, gender, religion, or race, please feel free to use the facilities.

New Website

The Covid outbreak has meant that we have had to look at the way we operate, and we decided that the website needed dramatic changes.
We have added many new features, and it is our intention to continue to be at the heart of the village, links to hirers, and other activities will be added.
We will update and advise when we are aware over the forthcoming months when the activities will restart.
We have also added the facility should you wish to hire the hall, (or even just curious to see what is going on) a calendar of events and the facility to book the rooms on line.
We welcome your suggestions and comments